Global Groovin'

Sustainable, Comfortable Meditation With Zafus

Sustainable, Comfortable Meditation With Zafus

Sustainability is a priority to most people in conscious circles so it makes perfect sense to support the expansion of your consciousness with practices and products that also support our...

Sustainable, Comfortable Meditation With Zafus

Sustainability is a priority to most people in conscious circles so it makes perfect sense to support the expansion of your consciousness with practices and products that also support our...

Spreading The #LotusLove

Spreading The #LotusLove

The lotus flower is beloved by people around the world. We at Global Groove Life love the lotus so much that we’ve included it in the GGL logo! It represents...

Spreading The #LotusLove

The lotus flower is beloved by people around the world. We at Global Groove Life love the lotus so much that we’ve included it in the GGL logo! It represents...

A Father’s Day Ode To Conscious Men

A Father’s Day Ode To Conscious Men

Gratitude to the game-changers, family men, conscious business leaders, and sustainability heroes of our time.

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A Father’s Day Ode To Conscious Men

Gratitude to the game-changers, family men, conscious business leaders, and sustainability heroes of our time.

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Useful, Useable, and Thrive-able Gift Ideas

Useful, Useable, and Thrive-able Gift Ideas

Conscious gift buying can be exceptionally tricky in our factory and sweatshop age, where consumers are demanding cheap and accessible products at an even higher rate than ever before. If...

Useful, Useable, and Thrive-able Gift Ideas

Conscious gift buying can be exceptionally tricky in our factory and sweatshop age, where consumers are demanding cheap and accessible products at an even higher rate than ever before. If...