Drop shipping

Which of our products are available for drop shipping?

Choose from 167 of our products readily available to drop ship now!

Simply sign up for an account with our drop shipping provider, Global Crafts and follow the simple directions to integrate your sales channel.

Here are some commonly asked questions regarding drop shipping. We hope to clarify any misconceptions that you may have but do feel free to contact Global Crafts drop shipping if you have additional questions..

Why drop ship?

If you have an online store, eBay or Amazon selling account and would you like to sell our products without investing in the inventory, then drop shipping is the solution for you. Please note we only support stores that are focused on the US market and sell in USD. 

What eCommerce integratrion should I have?

Although we reccommend Shopify, our products can be loaded on to any of the hundreds of e-Commerce platforms available and our inventory file should be up-loadable on the vast majority. We would love to have you on board regardless of your shopping cart.

If you do not have a store but want one, take a look at our setup service.

What is the sales split for drop shipping?

We follow the industry standard of 60/40, which is weighted towards the inventory holder in order to compensate for the cost of storing inventory and fulfilling orders.

Who pays the shipping costs?

The end customer pays for shipping costs at the time of purchase.

Are you ready to drop ship with us? Let's get started now!