It’s that time of year again … you know, the time when everyone and their mother is checking up on each other about their New Year resolutions. Following up to see if those old habits have changed, new things have been tried, etc. And we’re only a little over a week into 2018!! Don’t get us wrong, at Global Groove Life we’re all about positive change and creating new experiences for ourselves! There’s a lot of pressure that goes along with resolutions - and we’re so not into that! Have you ever noticed that a lot of these resolutions are based on what people think they “should” do? Maybe that’s why they never seem to last for longer than a few months.
That’s why we’re inviting you to refresh and renew at the beginning of 2018 instead! If you have to firmly resolve to do something is that thing really what you want to be doing? Or is it something you’re feeling obligated to do? Have no fear - Global Groove Life is here to remind you of the unbridled empowerment that comes when you follow your unique path!
A Breath of Fresh Air
Take a breather! The start of a new year is the perfect time to practice mindful breathing. Now is the time to slow your mind, calm yourself, and go within. Each out-breath releases remnants of the past and every in-breath invites new inspiration into your life.
Creating an environment conducive to meditation goes a long way to ensuring that you’ll follow through with it. GGL has just the right fair trade props and goods to support your practice! Invite a deeper state of presence by lighting incense in your space. Our handmade sandalwood Traditional Tibetan incense is one of the most popular scents. If you’ll be sitting in meditation take a look at our meditation cushion selection here. These sustainable pillows provide a ergonomically correct seat that will help you comfortably meditate for as long (or as short) as you’d like to.
By clearing out the old and those beliefs and actions which don’t actually serve you, you create space within yourself. Meditation offers you the space and clarity to see and feel your truth. And your truth is beautiful! Whatever it looks like and whether or not it fits into any specific mold.
This spaciousness and insight brings fresh life force energy (chi) along with it. A revitalized you is a you that shines even brighter! Imagine a version of yourself that has the energy and excitement to step outside of your comfort zone and stretch into the life you’ve been wanting to live … what does that look and feel like?
Your entire life can have the same vibrant bohemian flair that you already incorporate into your style. The best part is that you get to choose what you want to do with your newfound vigor! Keep the energy circulating with a movement practice like yoga. Check out GGL’s beautiful yoga ball covers here and align your yoga practice even more with your personal style. In 2018 why not explore a bigger sense of freedom by stepping into your unique flow?
Embrace the New
Stepping outside the box that society creates for us can feel challenging at first but it is oh-so-rewarding! Everyone who works for Global Groove Life has already taken the leap beyond a traditional lifestyle. We’re a cooperative of individuals who walk on the boho side and live the lives we love - and we encourage you to follow your heart and inspiration to do the same if it’s calling to you!
The first step to doing this is to embrace yourself and what you love as fully as possible! Find the things that bring you joy and pour your energy into them. Stop wasting endless amounts of energy on things that don’t inspire you. Keep track of what you’re grateful for and what inspires you as often as possible. We have a lovely array of journals, all featuring handmade mulberry paper, where you can write about your growth and daily experience.
You already express your love for the Earth and your fellow man through sustainable, fair trade purchases. We invite you to allow yourself to be fully expressed! During 2018 we’ll be sharing more posts about how you can bloom into the gorgeous boho wildflower that you are instead of remaining confined to a backyard garden plot. For now enjoy renewing your outlook on life!
Wishing you peace, happiness, and empowerment this year from all of us at Global Groove Life!
Amara Evans is a vibrational healer, collective consciousness-raiser, writer, and devotee of the Goddess. She loves to connect with her global community through writing and speaking about important topics like the environment, spirituality, and fair trade.